The Green Party of Solna
![Welcome to the Green Party Solna!](
Members of the Green Party of Solna
Green ideology
The Swedish Green Party was founded in 1981 and has its roots in the social movements for the environment, solidarity, women’s rights and peace. We are part of a global green movement and strive towards a world where everybody can enjoy a good quality of life, without compromising the living conditions of future generations. We are the political alternative for anyone who acknowledges the challenges facing humanity, and who wants to meet them with a proactive agenda that makes a difference in people’s everyday lives.
Three principles of solidarity
Our political vision is a society that lives within nature’s boundaries. We want to be a voice for those who cannot make themselves heard. This solidarity can be expressed through three principles:
- solidarity with animals, nature and the whole ecological system
- solidarity with future generations
- solidarity with all the people of the world.
The local level
Sweden has three levels of government: national, regional and local/municipal. Each municipality (kommun) has an elected assembly. The municipality is responsible for providing a significant proportion of all public services and has a considerable degree of autonomy. Among the responsibilities are providing schools, child and elderly care, utilities, housing, and cultural and leisure activities. The Green Party has been part of the majority government in Solna municipality for the last four years. During this period we have made great effort to push decisions in a more sustainable direction. Now we need your support for more climate action, a greener city and better schools.
![Victoria Johansson, Bernhard Huber](
Victoria Johansson and Bernhard Huber, leaders of the Green Party of Solna.
Our priorities in Solna
Climate action now!
We need to reduce climate emissions fast. 80% of the city’s carbon footprint comes from car traffic so we need to travel more sustainably. We want to redistribute space from cars and make room for pedestrians, safe cycle lanes and faster buses. That way we make the city both greener and more attractive.
Protect the green areas!
There are many new building projects in Solna. We need more housing but we also have to protect the environment. Nature and biodiversity are important for both humans and other species. That is why we say no to more urban develop-ment projects in green areas. We also want to protect and plant more trees.
Invest in schools
Solna’s budget for schools is significantly lower than those of our neighboring cities. We need to change that. Our public schools should be attractive both for students and teachers. We want to direct more funds to schools and education so that our budget matches those in comparable municipalities. All children should get the attention and support they need and achieve good results.
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