Swedish Green Party

We want to build a sustainable society, that takes on climate change while creating new jobs. Welcome to the official Swedish Green Party website.

Founded in 1981, after the Swedish referendum on nuclear energy in 1980, the Swedish Green Party is present at all political levels, from local municipalities to the European Parliament.


Instead of a party leader, the Swedish Green Party has two spokespersons, Amanda Lind and Daniel Helldén. 


The Swedish Green Party first entered parliament in 1988, as the first new party in 70 years to do so. In 1991, the party missed the 4 % hurdle, but was able to re-enter in 1994 and has stayed in parliament since. The latest elections were held in September 2018; the Swedish Green Party obtained 4.4 % of the votes, which resulted in 16 seats out of a total of 349.

European Parliament

In the latest elections to the European Parliament, in May 2019, the Swedish Green Party obtained 11.5 %. Pär Holmgren, Alice Bah Kuhnke and Jakop Dalunde are the Swedish members of the Green Group in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Local level

We got elected representatives at the local level already in 1982. Today, we are part of 18 regional governments and 97 local governments.