Policy for a future to look forward to

Policy for a future to look forward to

The County of Gävleborg will take the lead in the green transition. This will create opportunities for people and businesses throughout the county, in cities as well as the countryside.


Traveling in a climate-smart way!

Sustainable trips and transport are crucial for transitioning into a more climate-smart and resource-efficient society.

  • Fossil-free fuels throughout the County of Gävleborg
  • Reliable public transport and more frequent departures
  • Improved cycling opportunities for more people
  • Carpooling and rental bikes as part of the public transport system
  • Reducing the need for traveling and transportation, strengthening and developing the services throughout the county



The Green Party of Gävleborg (Miljöpartiet Gävleborg) aims to create a sustainable society, where our lifestyle no longer threatens any species or ecosystems.

  • Contributing to an increased proportion of organic and locally grown foods
  • Stopping the trawling of the sea floors and overfishing
  • Strengthening the beach protection (strandskyddet) and protecting the Legal Right of Access to Private Land (Allemansrätten)
  • Striving for a non-toxic future
  • Supporting a diverse forestry


Believing in the future

Children and young people have the right to a future with good living conditions! All measures must be taken to curb the climate threat! A society with both social equality and gender equality creates opportunities for everyone to be a part of the transition.

  • It´s important to take children’s and young people’s concerns seriously
  • Strengthening the support for children and young people who are suffering from mental issues
  • Creating a society free from narrow minded and backward striving norms
  • Lowering the voting age to 16 years of age
  • Increasing the collaboration in regard to children and young people

Nyheter på ämnesordet

Skåne, 27 juni 2024

Debattartikel: Sänk Skånetrafikens biljettpriser

Uppsala län, 22 juni 2024

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Skåne, 14 juni 2024

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